Yes, I understand, but in when designing and debugging an application
it is sometimes convenient to disable some Xdoclets tags, and the
quickest way to do it is to comment them with /**/ instead of /** */,
so I find it logical, but sometimes confusing because it can make
people waste a lot of time searching why their class is not in the


On Mon, 24 Jan 2005 10:57:10 +0100, Thomas Dudziak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I wouldn't say this is an XDoclet bug because as per Java Language
> Spec a comment starting with /** is only a documentation comment (i.e.
> a comment that is processed by Javadoc/XDoclet) if it comes directly
> before a class/method/field declaration (whitespace in between is
> allowed). So, in your example you cannot assume that the comment
> containing the @ojb.class tag will get processed by any
> comment-processing tool.
> Tom
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