Christoph Hermann schrieb:

Hello again,

The problem seems to lie here:

>  <!-- ProfileMenuCategory -->
>  <class-descriptor class="papillon.ProfileMenuCategory"
> table="rel_profiles_menu_categories">
>   <field-descriptor name="profile_id" column="profiles_id"
> jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" />
>   <field-descriptor name="category_id" column="menu_categories_id"
> jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" />
>   <field-descriptor name="sortNr" column="sort_nr"
> jdbc-type="INTEGER" />
>   <reference-descriptor
>    name="profile"
>    class-ref="papillon.Profile"
>    auto-retrieve="true"
>    auto-update="false"
>    auto-delete="false"
>    <foreignkey field-ref="profile_id" />
>   </reference-descriptor>
>   <reference-descriptor
>    name="category"
>    class-ref="papillon.MenuCategory"
>    auto-retrieve="true"
>    auto-update="false"
>    auto-delete="false"
>    <foreignkey field-ref="category_id" />
>   </reference-descriptor>
>  </class-descriptor>

I can insert Profiles and categories, but i can't insert 
Can someone enlight me what is wrong with this definition?


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