
suppose your inverse-foreign key definitions in project point to the pk-fields of investigator,
do you still have the problem that the same value is used for both attributes ? i do not ecpect so.

ojb 1.0.x assumes that the inverse-foreign key points to the pk of the referenced class. a more flexible handling of inverse-fk will be available in 1.1


Bobby Lawrence schrieb:

OJB 1.0.1

Jakob Braeuchi wrote:

hi bobby,

what version of ojb do you use ?


Bobby Lawrence schrieb:

I can't use label as the key because to lookup a PI, I need the projectId and not the label.
My problem is, OJB is using the value for projectId as the value for BOTH foreign keys (projectId and fiscalYear). Its not using the fiscalYear value in the query lookup.

Armin Waibel wrote:

Bobby Lawrence wrote:

Armin - I have to.
I can a job table and a job class. The job table stores the project label. That is why it is listed as a primary key.
I have to set it up this way.
Can you help me with my problem?

First, the PK declaration in OJB is independent from the PK declaration in your DB (but avoid constraint violations ;-)).
OJB expects as FK fields in an object of a 1:n relation (PI) all PK fields of the main object (Project). In your case

when Project has PK

<collection-descriptor name="primaryInvestigators" element-class-ref="" auto-retrieve="false">
<inverse-foreignkey field-ref="fkFiscalYearId" />
<inverse-foreignkey field-ref="fkLabelId" />


Armin Waibel wrote:


Project --1:n --> PrimaryInvestigator (PI)
PK fields for Project:
why is 'id' not the PK in Project?

In PI FK are:

projectId id not a PK in Project, you have to use a 'labelId'.

As a side-note, be really careful when using anonymous fields for fields other than 1:1 FK.


Bobby Lawrence wrote:

Using the PersistenceBroker API...
I have a class that has a 1:n relationship -> a project can have many principal investigators.
The class descriptors look like this:

<class-descriptor class="" table="projects">
<field-descriptor name="id" column="PROJECT_ID" jdbc-type="VARCHAR"/>
<field-descriptor name="label" column="REPO_CODE" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" primarykey="true" access="anonymous" />
<field-descriptor name="fiscalYear" column="FISCAL_YEAR" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" primarykey="true" />
<field-descriptor name="name" column="PROJECT_NAME" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<collection-descriptor name="primaryInvestigators" element-class-ref="" auto-retrieve="false">
<inverse-foreignkey field-ref="projectId" />
<inverse-foreignkey field-ref="fiscalYear" />

<class-descriptor class="" table="pis">
<field-descriptor name="id" column="PERSON_ID" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" primarykey="true"/>
<field-descriptor name="firstName" column="FIRSTNAME" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="lastName" column="LASTNAME" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="email" column="EMAIL" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
<field-descriptor name="fiscalYear" column="FISCAL_YEAR" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" access="anonymous" primarykey="true"/>
<field-descriptor name="projectId" column="PROJECT_ID" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" access="anonymous" />

The problem is, whenever OJB tries to retrieve a collection of Primary Investigators, it never uses the correct value for the composite primary key.
The debugging output looks like this:

[] DEBUG: executeQuery : QueryByCriteria from class where [projectId = 13179, fiscalYear = 13179]

As you can see, it is using the exact same value for the projectId and fiscalYear attributes.
What am I doing wrong?


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