JDO Central ( http://www.jdocentral.com/ ) is a good JDO starting point. The best source for info on JDOQL is the spec, it is actually pretty clear, I think ( http://jcp.org/aboutJava/communityprocess/pr/jsr243/index2.html ).

OJB's JDO implementation is more proof-of-concept than production-usable. A good open source JDO implementation is JPOX ( http://www.jpox.org/ ). Before long there should be an Apache JDO ( http://wiki.apache.org/jdo/ )project which can use OJB as the O/R Mapping backend.


On Mar 19, 2005, at 7:09 PM, Markus Wolf wrote:

Are there any advanced tutorials for JDOQL available?
Or has someone some links to good resources about JDOQL?

Markus Wolf


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