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Luc Fouin wrote:
hi all,

i've got a mapping with a set of objects. i've also got in the same database datas which are not mapped to an object (because they are just here for analysis and d'ont need to be instanciated...)

my goal is to query the database using a SQL Query. I can't use OQL (QueryByCriteria or QueryBySql) because there's no mapping on those datas.

First i tried a method which could take my query, and i did not found that.
So my second point is to try to get the datasource corresponding to the mapping (to avoid redundancy of the parameters) and to pass my query by classic jdbc...

is this possible to get a datasource from the persistenceborker??

(I see a third solution by setting a jndi datasource which will be called by the mapping and by me, but it seems to me a little more complicated...)

thanks a lot... (please tell me if i'm not clear!)


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