Hi Armin,

> Would it be possible to use INTEGER in Informix too? Ask this because I want
> to move #prepareNextValProcedureStatement implementation method to
> PlatformDefaultImpl.

I could do that but I'll explain you why I did this decision.
First of all the SequenceManagerStoredProcedureImpl#buildNextSequence method is
used the method CallableStatement#getLong to get the result. Thus with
BigInteger it passes Long values too.
Secondly the necessary argument of the method CallableStatement#prepareCall for
informix is a little bit different as the implemention of oracle or mssql.

Have a look at the difference:

This is the String argument for oracle and mssql:

"{? = call " + procedureName + "(?)}"

and this one is the String argument for informix:

"{? = call " + procedureName + "(?,?)}"

As you can see the informix implementation needs two '?' arguments. And this is
necessary for the database and driver type. The first '?' argument is necessary
to define the out parameter to get the result over the 
Because of a bug in the informix driver you have also to call
CallableStatement#executeQuery here. It seems that the
CallableStatement#executeUpdate is incorrectly implemented.

So if you implement the PlatformDefaultImpl#prepareNextValProcedureStatement you
have continue to implement the



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