hi krupa,

what you see isan output of the query not the executed.
please use p6spy to monitor the sql statement including all parameters.


k jee schrieb:
  When I am trying to use  criteria.addBetween(datefieldname,SQLdate1,SQLDate2) 
OJB is not  creating the SQL with 2 values for between.  here is what I see. 
Can  some one please let me know what is wrong here.
SystemOut O [org.apache.ojb.broker.accesslayer.JdbcAccessImpl] DEBUG: executeQuery : Query from class xx.yyy where [crit1 = 100, crit2 = 29867, [crit3 = K, [crit3 = E, [crit3 = D], [crit3 = S], [date1 BETWEEN 2005-11-18, time BETWEEN 14:00:00]]]] Thanks,

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