Hi Phil,

DiCorpo, Phillip wrote:
I've created my own LockManager implementation for OJB 1.0.4 that
implements the Configurable interface and I've added some of the
properties this implementation needs to the OJB.properties file.  By
doing so I was hoping that my LockManager would be configured at some
point, like in the LockManagerFactory, but it doesn't seem to be
happening and I can't find any evidence of it happening in the source.
Am I missing something?

This is a bug, the LockManagerFactory doesn't configure the LockManager instance - will fix this ASAP.

 In the meantime I'm explicitly getting the
OjbConfigurator and configuring the LockManager in it's default
constructor.  How is this working for LockManagerRemoteImpl?   Thanks in

A workaround will be to configure once LockManagerRemoteImpl by hand before the first use of odmg-api:

LockManager lm = LockManagerFactory.getLockManager();
if(lm instanceof Configurable)
Configurator configurator = OjbConfigurator.getInstance();



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