I am only using the PB API too.

Danilo Tommasina wrote:

hi again,

this is quite an old version of tomcat, we were not having trouble for sure since tomcat 5.5.9, no idea how it was with earlier versions. anyways, if this is not the problem, it could be still OJB that causes the leak. My patch fixed one situation but there may be other parts having the same/similar problem. We are using only the PB API. If I remeber well there are also other parts of OJB that make use of the 'dangerous' ThreadLocal class, I think it was something with per thread metadata repository, maybe there are other problems too in ODMG... I do not know, sorry.

I am using Tomcat 5.5.4. I am almost certain it is OJB. I created a stripped down context with the minimum classes needed to run OJB and could pin the memory increase to touching anything that initiallized OJB. I have also chased down other known offenders such as deregistering the database driver and logging.

Danilo Tommasina wrote:

Sorry I still did not update to 1.0.4 and was not able to test it out against the memory leak. We are using a patched version of OJB, patched by myself, but as long as I remember it is almost the same code as in the 1.0.4 version.

what app- web-server are you using? version? note that in tomcat versions < 4.1.31 and probably some earlier 5.5.x verions there were bugs that prevented a clean shutdown of a web-application.

Do you have any threads or other stuff that is still running? External libraries?
We had the same problem caused by the quartz scheduler for example.

As soon as I can, I'll try to update to 1.0.4 and test out the memory leak problem.


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