Here's one brute force idea:

Put a javax.servlet.Filter across every URL ("/*") of your application. 
Then check for an unclosed broker after calling FilterChain.doFilter(...) 
like this:

 public void doFilter(
                        ServletRequest aRequest,
                        ServletResponse aResponse,
                        FilterChain aChain)
    throws IOException, ServletException {

        aChain.doFilter(aRequest, aResponse);

        /* Check for unclosed broker and log url path here!! */

Jon French
ECOS Development Team

Fort Collins Science Center
US Geological Survey
2150 Centre Ave, Building C
Fort Collins, CO 80526-8116

04/19/2006 03:06 PM
Please respond to
"OJB Users List" <>

"OJB Users List" <>

Brokers leak

    Hi all,

 I experienced  brokers leaks. I checked all the open / close broker 
and the leaks still remains. ODMG transaction have been checked too.

 Those leaks result in PersistentBroker I/O Exception, freezing 

 I would be very happy to known which methods take my brokers without give
them back.
 Is there a simple way to known from where they are lost?
 Can P6Spy help ?

 What are the main reasons to have a broker leak ?
 I suspect unfinished Query iterations : what is the clean way to end an
iteration before the end of the query iteration ? persistentBroker.close()
does ?
 I suspect checkpoint() : but if i  well guess, it's only a tx.commit() 
a re-tx.begin() , so ...
 I suspect brokers can't be closed in some case, even when the close() is 
finally code. Is that possible ?! e.g. when returning a value ?
 I suspect jsp iteration. We tried to iterate only java collections in the
jsp, but it still remains query iteration inside. May be those
iterations can take brokers automatically, but can't close them? So, is
there a setting of brokers pool to avoid this? Documentation is short.

Is there a chance to have the 1.0.5 in current month ?

Thanks for all your ideas.

Using OJB 1.0.4, oracle 10g, QueriesByCriteria, ReportQueries and ODMG

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