
I  experienced Two Level Cache Impl.  Have a look to mail archives about
TwoLevelCacheImpl. Beware of checkpoints inside batch loops. Using
checkpoints make cached objects quantity growing until commit. If you have
to, replace checkpoints by commit/begin.

Did you try the ObjectCacheDefaultImpl instead of OSCacheImpl ?

If you do ReportQuery or read Collections with criteria, then i beleive that
cache is not used (partially used in Collection retrieving). I mean SQL
query is done , to find data / or PK. So you can see queries crossing in

I'm interrested in your experiences of 2 Level Cache, especially in the
setting with the kind of model/processes.


On 4/22/06, Westfall, Eric Curtis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello, I'm wondering if anyone out there has experience using OJB's
> two-level caching.  I am attempting to use a two-level cache to help
> speed up an application I'm working on and I'm noticing some issues that
> I'm curious about.
> It appears that, even if my object is already in the application cache,
> OJB is still issuing the SQL to query for the object (verified using
> P6Spy).  Is this what's actually happening or am I mistaken?  I can see
> in certain cases where OJB would need to run the query in order to get a
> set of primary keys to check the cache for, however, if I'm doing a
> query by the primary key shouldn't it just go straight to the
> application cache without hitting the database?  I'm using OSCache as my
> application cache, here's my configuration:
> <object-cache
> class="org.apache.ojb.broker.cache.ObjectCacheTwoLevelImpl">
>    <attribute attribute-name="cacheExcludes" attribute-value=""/>
>    <attribute attribute-name="applicationCache"
> attribute-value="edu.iu.uis.database.ObjectCacheOSCacheImpl"/>
>    <attribute attribute-name="copyStrategy"
> attribute-value="org.apache.ojb.broker.cache.ObjectCacheTwoLevelImpl$Cop
> yStrategyImpl"/>
>    <attribute attribute-name="forceProxies" attribute-value="false"/>
> </object-cache>
> Thanks in advance,
> Eric
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