
I'm still with this problem.

Could someone say if SequenceManagers use default connection present at current thread? Or it's executed inside same transaction (I don't know if this implies same connection)?

Thanks for any clarifications!


Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter escreveu:
Armin Waibel escreveu:

I'm not a database expert, so please forbear with me ;-)
Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter wrote:

There is a very long time since my last problem with OJB - thank you guys, it's awesome how good work was done until now. In last month, I was migrating from Oracle to MS SQL, and changed from Sequence Manager Oracle native to Procedure based on MS SQL. Worked great on tests, but when in production, sometimes procedure returns same value for two users, overriding content of child tables (it override child tables, then throw duplicate primary key exception for parent table but changes on child tables are not being rolled back).

Are you sure that the changes written to database or could it be a caching problem?
Well, independent of being a cache problem, I gettin records overwritten, what is bad per se.

I'm sure I'm beginning and rollbacking transactions, and opening and closing connections (i never had this problem with Oracle, by example).

Did you made concurrency tests against SequenceManagerStoredProcedureImpl? In OJB test-suite you can find a test case called SequenceManagerTest. This test case include concurrency sequence generation tests.
Is the issue reproduceable via unit tests?
No, I've made no tests... I tried community before (withou much luck, until now :D )

In SequenceManagerStoredProcedureImpl source code I can't find critical sections. So I assume it's a MSSQL concurrency problem. Does
exclusive lock the table row?
Well, I was supposing it is. But after reading SP4 fixlist for SQL2000, I start having doubts... So, I'll try to increase to REPETEABLE READ as default transaction level, and see what happens (god save our souls, because REPETEABLE READ almost always gives problems of deadlocking with SQL Server).

I appreciate your comments, and I'll expect sequence gerenator author give some comments (I really appreciate if thats possible)...


Edson Richter


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