
I think it was my fault.

when i replace the Line
--> crit.addNotEqualToColumn("name", excludeModules[i]);
--> crit.addNotEqualTo("name", excludeModules[i]);
everthing works.

Sorry for making trouble.

Best regards,


Abid Hussain schrieb:
Hi everybody,

while executing a query there turned up an SQLException. I wonder if this is a bug or if I made a mistake.

Here is the concerning section of my repository_user.xml:
<class-descriptor class="modulverwaltung.beans.ojb.Module"
    <field-descriptor name="name" column="modul_Name"
        jdbc-type="VARCHAR" primarykey="true" />
    <field-descriptor name="courseOfStudy" column="Zuordnung"
        jdbc-type="VARCHAR" />
As you see, the column 'name' is of type VARCHAR.

The according bean is:
public class Module implements Serializable {

    protected String name;

    protected String courseOfStudy;


Now I want to execute following Code:
Criteria crit = new Criteria();
crit.addEqualTo("courseOfStudy", courseOfStudy);
if (excludeModules != null) {
    for (int i = 0; i < excludeModules.length; i++) {
        crit.addNotEqualToColumn("name", excludeModules[i]);

ReportQueryByCriteria q = QueryFactory.newReportQuery(Module.class,
q.setAttributes(new String[] { "name" });
try {
    iter = broker.getReportQueryIteratorByQuery(q);
    for (int i = 0; iter.hasNext(); i++) {
As you see, I'm adding a notEqualToColumn Criteria with the following parameters:
--> name: the concerning column (table column's name is modul_name)
--> excludeModules[]: a String[] which says which column values should be excluded

The SQL statement which OJB generates is:
SELECT A0.modul_Name FROM MODUL A0 WHERE (A0.Zuordnung = 'Bachelor') AND A0.modul_Name <> ALP I: Funktionale Programmierung ORDER BY 1

So, this causes an SQLException, because the name which to be excluded (ALP I: Funktionale Programmierung) is of type VARCHAR but there aren't any enclosing quotation marks. The correct Statement should say: SELECT A0.modul_Name FROM MODUL A0 WHERE (A0.Zuordnung = 'Bachelor') AND A0.modul_Name <> 'ALP I: Funktionale Programmierung' ORDER BY 1

Maybe this is a bug or have i overlooked something?

Thanks for help,



Abid Hussain
Web: http://www.abid76.de

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