I have a project that is both Struts/OJB and Spring MVC/Hibernate
which uses Acegi in parts.  I extended LdapPasswordAuthenticationDao
to return UserDetails from the loadUserByUsernameAndPassword method
but just used direct JDBC (not OJB) in this method to check the database for
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Thomas Dudziak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: gmane.comp.jakarta.ojb.user
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2006 10:34 PM
Subject: Re: Spring Acegi and OJB

> On 8/14/06, Neil Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am about to start a new Spring MVC project using Acegi for security
access and OJB for
> > persistance. Acegi has a JDBC implementation for accessing the user
details from a database.
> >
> > Question: Is it advisable to write an OJB implementation of the Acegi
UserDetails interface to take
> > advantage of OJB's cashing and consistancecy of database access?
> >
> > Secondly, has anyone already done this?
> It sure is possible and, depending on your data model, may also make a
> lot of sense.
> I've done this in a former project with good success. If I remember
> correctly, The general idea is:
> * You should have something like a UserDAO that returns User objects
> as part of your normal business model. This DAO should use Spring's
> OJB DAO helper class and be a Spring-managed bean.
> * Create a wrapper class around your user objects that implements
> Acegi's UserDetails interface.
> * Create a class that implements Acegi's UserDetailsService by calling
> out to your DAO (wired via Spring). See chapter 6.2 of the Acegi doc.
> * In your Acegi's configuration, use the DaoAuthenticationProvider
> (chapter 7 of the Acegi doc) with your UserDetailsService
> implementation.
> That should be about it.
> In case you also have a role concept in your business model, you'll
> also want to define a mapping of your roles to Acegi's role strings
> and use that in your aforementioned UserDetails. Acegi also provides
> additional hooks to override it's default role concept with your own.
> If you want to do that, it is best to search/ask in the Acegi forums,
> though.
> Tom

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