Hi Jeremie,

sorry for the late reply - I overlooked your post.


      switching from ojb 1.0.3 to 1.0.4 i have discovered that the
implementation of the getLastInsertIdentityQuery method on the
PlaftformDb2Impl has changed.

Prior to version 1.0.0 the SQL request was :

      values IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL() fetch first row only

which can't be used on DB2 Z/os (at least V7) as the values command doesnt

from version 1.0.0 to 1.0.3 (included) the request was :

      select IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL() from sysibm.sysdummy1

which, i think, works on DB2 V7/V8 on windows , unix , linux and Z/os.

and with the 1.0.4 the request is now :

      values IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL()

so it doesn't work anymore on DB2 Z/os v7.

I have checked in subversion and i think it may have been changed while
creating/modifying the derby platform in december.

Could it be possible to go back to this request for the db2 platform :

      select IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL() from sysibm.sysdummy1

or is there a reason to the use of the "values" command ?

I rollback the changes (made in 1.0.4) as you suggested. Thanks for the hint.



Jérémie Quinet.

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