Hi Ali,

Ali HACHAMI wrote:
Hi Armin,

I tried to fix the problem by renaming the class's attributes, but the
problem is still there. In conclusion the problem happen when the columns
have the same name in the tables (not in the classes).

In my test the java field name ("name") + column name ("NAME_") are the same in both classes/tables. Did you tried to fix the issue using 1.0.4 or did you tried the latest version from SVN (OJB_1_0_RELEASE branch!)?


Best regards,


On 5/5/07, Armin Waibel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Ali,

sorry for the late reply. Last week I had a DSL malfunction caused by my
Internet provider. It seems to be fixed (works again for 20 hours), but
it could happen that I'm out of business again.

Ali HACHAMI wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using getReportQueryIteratorByQuery and I want to select columns
> have the same name but are not present in my criteria :
> Criteria crit1 = new Criteria();
> crit1.addEqualTo("id", new Integer(1));
> q = QueryFactory.newReportQuery(Container.class, crit1);
> String[] cols = { id, "name", "refOtherClass.name "};
> q.setAttributes(cls);
> The pb is that I'm getting the same value for the columns "name" and "
> refOtherClass.name".
> Any help?

I try to reproduce your problem and setup a similar test with class
Author and Publisher (1:1 relation Author-Publisher):

Query q = QueryFactory.newReportQuery(
Author.class, new String[]{"id", "name", "publisher.name"}, null, true);
Iterator result = broker.getReportQueryIteratorByQuery(q);


As you can see this works with latest version from SVN (OJB_1_0_RELEASE
branch!). I don't try this test with OJB 1.0.4. So if it's a bug in
1.0.4, it seems to be fixed in the next upcoming version of OJB.

If your problem still happens with latest from SVN, please post the
mapping for class Container and the referenced class.


> Thanks in advance,
> Ali

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