Hi ojb-users, 

yesterday, I ran into a problem during testing against 1.0.5rc1. The 
following two tests:

- testTransactionFlush() and
- testTransactionFlush_2() 

(both coming from org.apache.ojb.odmg.ODMGRollbackTest) are failing when 
ObjectCacheDefaultImpl (with autoSync=false) is used as object-cache 
implementation instead of default one (“twoLevel”). 

Both tests are doing following: 
- persisting previously non-persisted objects by invoking 
Transaction.lock(Object, int) and calling TransactionExt.flush() 
- performing Transaction.abort() and at last, 
- checking for existence of used objects (in DB/Cache) via 
org.apache.ojb.broker.query.QueryByIdentity expecting not to find them.

In these tests objects were not evicted from cache as expected (on abort() 

I was hoping that problem was in usage of ObjectCacheSoftImpl as cache 
implementation but it turned out that that ObjectEnvelope’s modification 
detection mechanism doesn’t correctly supports “abort() after flush()” 
since ObjectEnvelope’s internal images (beforeImage and currentImage) are 
reused during subsequent flush() calls (please check following two 
methods: ObjectEnvelope.cleanup and ObjectEnvelope.hasChanged). 

We are experimenting with a workaround that makes use of an additional 
“initialImage” (reference to first beforeImage), that let's the hasChanged 
method detect changes with respect to “initialImage” correctly in the case 
when abort() is invoked after flush(). However, we are not sure, whether 
this might have other implications. 

On the other hand, the only reason why those two test-cases are running 
fine with default “twoLevel” as object-cache is while it implements 
PBStateListener interface and reacts on beforeRollback(PBStateEvent) by 
clearing session cache(thus removing newly created objects).
Best regards, 
Mario Curcija

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