Hi JohnE,

johne wrote:
We may actually have to go with the 1.0.5 release in production
because of our desire to use one of the newer features.  The last RC
came out 29JAN2008 with the last code changes in subversion on
30JAN2008, so the RC1 does not contain some fixes. Is there anything
you consider important to get into the RC prior to it being
considered "safe enough for use"?

As we use the PB API the only issues that might stop us are: http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OJB-143

This issue affects 1.0.4 too, so you already have to deal with it.

http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OJB-142 <- Likely not so important to us.

This will be fixed in 1.0.5 RC2

Is there anything else that prevent the current version from use?

If your own tests pass with 1.0.5rc1 there is no reason to prevent from use. The OJB test-suite contains a lot of tests (all tests from 1.0.4 + many new tests) and 1.0.5rc1 pass all tests (except the known issues).

Explored 1.0.5rc1 bugs:


Looking at the release notes, it appears that we just need to change
out the properties file and the dtd.  Some properties have changed,
but as we use the default current 1.0.4 properties in file mostly, I
am not sure we would notice changes.

Has anybody else had difficulties or successes with this in a
production environment?  We use Maven, so it is a bit of an
aggravation manually pushing in the library, but appreciative users
like myself should not be so picky.

Thanks for your ideas.

----- JohnE

http://www.jobbank.com jobbank.com

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