fre, 17 06 2011 kl. 17:21 +0200, skrev Alex Stinson:
> Also, who the heck is the company or organization that selects this
> editorial board? I don't see anywhere, where this money is coming
> from. This seems like a closed community that is like to be easily
> corrupted and unsustainable, 

The domain is registered to a "joe moxley" in Florida who is Joe Moxley,
Professor of English, University of South Florida. so the project seems
to be related to academics.

> On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 4:18 PM, Mike Linksvayer
> <> wrote:
>         On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 8:12 AM, Katelin Kaiser
>         <> wrote:
>                 I want to share with everyone a new and free
>                 "commons-based peer production" composition textbook
>                 called Writing Commons. By this we mean that we hope
>                 that crowds of people--from experts such as professors
>                 and professional writers to undergraduate
>                 students--can collaborate with us to revise the pages
>                 we've already written as well as write new pages.
>         Unclear to me how the NonCommercial-NoDerivatives license on
>         the site facilitates this.
>         In any case, seems out of scope for this list, see

It is also unclear how this relates to Wikimedia Foundation's Wikibooks
and Wikiversity projects

Finn Årup Nielsen, DTU Informatics,

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