Matthew Brett wrote:
> Could you say more about what your
> approach is and what you have found?

Owners of for-profit corporations cannot help the Consumers because
their Investors demand Profit which only occurs if the Product is

The Product does not need to be sold if the co-owners of the means of
production are the very same people who will Consume that Product.

Profit measures consumer dependence, and is *eliminated* when the
Investor is the Consumer who will accept Product as the Return for

Profit collected from non-owners (on the growth-edge) must be treated
as the Payer's Investment so each Consumer becomes a co-owner in
the means of production for that which he needs the outputs causing
that Payer to slowly accumulate the property ownership needed to stop
buying Product - for the co-owner of a cow does not buy milk because
he own his % already.

The idea is to organize Consumers to pre-pay for some good or service
(say cell-phone service), and then use those funds to purchase the
hardware needed to achieve that goal so that we can finally send
messages to each other for the *real* Costs of those messages instead
padding the pockets of those who intend to forever keep us in
subjugation in their quest to keep Price above Costs.

See for more details.

Patrick Anderson

okfn-discuss mailing list

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