Hi Chris,

Thanks for sharing this great info.

Regarding the specific question of whether you should send the regular
bi-weekly updates to this list I think probably not for the present as
we don't want to overload people's email -- can people directly
subscribe to your updates if they want to?


On 4 August 2012 03:43, Chris Sakkas <sanglor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> For a couple of years, I've kept the FOSsil Bank wiki, which is a collection
> of libre resources (as well as proprietary resources under what I call
> shareable licences). For a couple of months, I've regularly posted updates
> about what new entries have been added to the wiki. These updates go to the
> Living Libre blog and the Free Culture discussion list. They've been well
> received.
> There are two reasons I'm bringing this up here:
> 1. I thought people might be interested in checking out the FOSsil Bank
> wiki.
> 2. I thought people might be interested in getting the FOSsil Bank updates
> (they're roughly fortnightly).
> I've included today's update in this email. It's a bit shorter than the
> average update. My question to you folks is: Would it be useful if I sent
> every FOSsil Bank update to this mailing list? If so, it's no trouble for me
> since I'm already sending it to the Free Culture list. If it wouldn't be
> useful, anyone who's interested in getting the updates could instead sign up
> to the Living Libre blog or the Free Culture discussion list.
> Let me know what you folks think. I enjoy the time I spend on the wiki and
> I'd like it to reach as wide an audience in the libre community as possible.
> ---
> Hi folks,
> I’ve decided that the weekly schedule for these updates was a bit ambitious:
> I don’t always find that much content. But here’s the last few weeks of
> stuff.
> As always, let me know of any libre resources that are out there—or add them
> to the FOSsil Bank yourselves!
> #FundFreeCulture
> When I find a libre licensed work up on Kickstarter, IndieGoGo or another
> crowdfunding tool, I’ll tweet about it with the tag #FundFreeCulture. Feel
> free to do the same!
> Ronaldo Tours is a documentary about a fictional Italian. The compilation
> will be CC BY-NC-SA, but the assets will be CC BY. ($265 of $500, 41 days to
> go)
> Lunatics Animated Series Pilot is an animated science fiction TV episode. CC
> BY-SA ($1,744 of $100,000, 17 days to go)
> Libre Resources
> Libre Projects is a very attractive website that sorts libre projects by
> type. Various licences.
> Fan-made reformatted versions of Swords & Wizardry and the WaRP System are
> available. OGL.
> Long-time advocate for shareable resources, David Wiley, is beginning a
> course called Ed Startup 101 introducing educators to entrepreneurship. CC
> BY.
> Adobe has released a font, Source Sans Pro, under the SIL Open Font License.
> Liberated Pixel Cup Entries
> Last month, the Liberated Pixel Cup resulted in dozens of pieces of pixel
> art being released under libre licences. This month, almost fifty open
> source games have been released as part of the second phase of the project.
> I’ve only played a few of the HTML5 games, but some are rather good!
> I’m planning to post a few reviews of the games on the Living Libre blog.
> Proprietary Shareable Resources
> Yaruki Zero Games has published two supplements for the game Cards against
> Humanity, also under CC BY-NC-SA.
> Chris Sakkas
> Admin of the FOSsil Bank wiki and the Living Libre blog and Twitter feed.
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