One of the highly quoted ones and which (I suspect) has had a large impact
on some in Obamaland is the Batelle analysis of the human genome, showing
that 4 Billion investment led to 700 Billion downstream wealth. The update
quotes over a trillion (1,000,000,000,000 USD) Of course there aren't
controls - what would Venter have done if he had "won the race" and the
developments requires other technologies.

On Mon, Oct 7, 2013 at 12:36 PM, Ewan Klein <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> There are many arguments given in favour of open data initiatives,
> including economic growth and innovation, more efficient distribution of
> information, government transparency, and civic participation. However,
> it's surprisingly hard to find documented evidence about the impact of such
> initiatives: did they work well, and if so, in what way? Can their impact
> be measured?
> This slide deck
> gives a number of aggregated (and presumably estimated) figures for
> benefits along the lines of "SME's grow 15% more with free geo data as
> opposed to paid data", but there's a lack of more concrete examples such as
> "the publication of clinical outcomes of heart surgery in the UK has led to
> 1,000 fewer deaths per year".
> So here's the question: does anyone have more examples of cases where open
> data initiatives have made a clear difference, particularly at the level of
> city data?
> Thanks,
> Ewan
> -------------
> Ewan Klein
> OKF Ambassador for Scotland
> Skype:  ewan.h.klein |  @ewanhklein
> The Open Knowledge Foundation
> Empowering through Open Knowledge
>  |  @okfnscot
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Peter Murray-Rust
Reader in Molecular Informatics
Unilever Centre, Dep. Of Chemistry
University of Cambridge
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