
I attended an international forum of e-gov held at Fudan University two
weeks ago and at the venue, Mr TANG DingChun, the deputy director of open
gov information department of Shanghai Gov office, shared the Shanghai
Gov's plan on open data .

His talk revealed that the current mayor YANG xiong was and possible still
am in charge of the whole open data initiative. He said the Shanghai Gov
has interest in open data back to 2011, and a scholar's white paper helped
them start the whole plan. They ran a pilot program with several
departments last year and launched the DataShanghai in the end of last year.

He acknowledged that the data released on DataShanghai are really simple
and basic. This is because they currently do not want to take any risk of
releasing anything that may contain privacy data or confidential
information. So basic location data are really safe choice.

He mentioned that the Shanghai Gov plans to ask all departments to register
their data resources on their internal platform first so they could have a
clear view of what data they actually have by the end of next year. After
that they will go to refine their strategy of data management to prepare
for opening data.

He also discussed the license issue. Shanghai gov considers allowing
departments actually to charge fees in the beginning so they will be
encouraged to open more data. But later, when the ecosystem of open data
grows, they will be pushed to make all data free.

More details are blogged on my blog (

Your thoughts and advices are really welcomed and appreciated



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