
On Thu, Nov 28, 2013 at 03:21:08PM -0800, Gene Shackman wrote:
> "(please don't answer in this thread)"
> Yes, a separate discussion of non google non MS. Perhaps there can be a 
> discussion on the future of the OKF?

I appreciate that people here are interested in helping OKFN make
greater use of Free Software solutions.

We've been running FSFE on Free Software alone for more than a
decade, and have found solutions for most issues. 

Me and my team will be happy to help with answering specific
questions ("what tools could we use for X?"). Just ask :) 

Best regards,
Karsten Gerloff                      [ ]   <gerl...@fsfeurope.org>
Free Software Foundation Europe   [ ][ ][ ]      [http://fsfe.org]
President                            | |         +49 176 9690 4298
Support software freedom!                [http://fsfe.org/support]

Free Software Foundation Europe e.V. is a German Verein registered
at the Registergericht Hamburg (VR 17030). 

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