
2013/12/5 Zara Rahman <>

>  Hi all,
> Please join us in giving a warm welcome to the latest additions to our
> Local Groups network! We're really getting to all corners of the world now,
> and we look forward to growing further with you.
> Our Ambassador scheme has been running since the start of 2013, and in
> that time we've seen the Local Groups network grow hugely - we now have
> Local Groups in 45 countries! You can see the full list here, as well as
> details on getting involved in your nearest Local Group, or starting a new
> one:
> Anyway- without further ado, here are our latest group of Ambassadors.
> Please don't hesitate to get in contact with them if you'd like to know
> more about open knowledge in their region, or if you'd like to join their
> Local Groups - I'm sure they would be very happy to hear from you!
>    - Serdar Temiz, *Sweden */ Contact: 
>     - Stathis Konstantinidis, *Norway* (previously involved in OKFN
>    Greece) / Contact:
>    - CUI Anyong (joining Biao Xie and Feng Gao) *China */ Contact:
>    - Ramda Yanurzha, *Indonesia* / Contact:
>    - Tarek Amr, *Egypt */ Contact:
>    - Lane Rasberry, *NYC, US */ Contact:
>    - Brian Glanz, Christian Severt, *Washington State (initiative)* /
>    Contact:
>    - Niels Erik Kaaber Rasmussen, *Denmark (Initiative) */ Contact :
>    - Burt Lum, *Hawaii, US* / Contact
> Best,
> Zara
> --
> Zara Rahman
> International Community Manager | skype: zara.rahman | 
> @zararah<>
> The Open Knowledge Foundation <>
> *Empowering through Open Knowledge*
> | @okfn <> | OKF on
> Facebook <> | Blog<>|
> Newsletter <>
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