Dear all,

On September 15, we are organizing a one-day event on the Politics of Big
Data for Activism. Please spread the word and feel warmly welcome to meet
us in Amsterdam!

Save the date!

*Contentious Data: A one-day event on the Politics of Big Data for Activism*
*University Theatre, University of Amsterdam, September 15, 2016*
How do people resist corporate privacy intrusion and government
surveillance by means of technical fixes? How does civil society take
advantage of the possibilities for civic engagement, advocacy, and
campaigning provided by the availability of the so-called 'big data’?
Data* is the kick-off event of the DATACTIVE project (, an interdisciplinary research project hosted
at the Department of Media Studies at the University of Amsterdam.
DATACTIVE investigates citizens’ engagement with massive data collection.
With the diffusion of big data, citizens become increasingly aware of the
critical role of information in modern societies, and this awareness
nurtures new social practices rooted on data and technology, which we term
‘data activism’. By increasingly involving lay users, data activism is a
signal of a change in perspective and attitude towards massive data
collection emerging within the civil society realm. *Contentious Data* will
bring together scholars and practitioners to explore the politics of big
data from the perspective of activism and civil society.

This event is sponsored by the European Research Council, the Amsterdam
School of Cultural Analysis (ASCA), the Amsterdam Centre for Globalisation
Studies (ACGS), and the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research

Speakers include Sandra Braman (Texas A&M University), Alison Powell
(London School of Economics), Hisham al-Miraat (Digital Rights Morocco),
Linnet Taylor (Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology and Society), Dorien
Zandbergen (University of Amsterdam), Jaromil (, Geert Lovink
(Institute for Network Cultures), and Stefania Milan (Principle
Investigator DATACTIVE, University of Amsterdam).

The workshop is public and free of charge, but please register in advance
on this page:

Kersti Ruth Wissenbach
International Consultant

strategy & policy advice | implementation | research
Transparency & Accountability | Civic Tech | ICT4D

Academic Researcher

+31 (0)634193966
S kersti.wissenbach
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