Hello everyone,

I wanted to let you know, that yesterday we launched our new website at the
School of Data Germany (“Datenschule”), a project from Open Knowledge
Foundation Germany. You can find the new website here:

We will provide workshops and tech-trainings for NGOs to increase the data
literacy in civil society. In our first blog
<https://datenschule.de/blog/2016/08/datenschule-launch/> we also discuss
why it needs a School of Data for NGOs. Currently, the site is in German
but we will also set up a translated one soon. Feel free to check out the
website or subscribe to our newsletter

*Moritz Neujeffski*

Workshopkonzepter | Datenschule
Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland e.V.
Singer Str. 109, D-10179 Berlin

www.okfn.de | www.datenschule.de
+49 30 577 036 660 | Fax: +49 30 57703666 9
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