A Dimarts, 3 de febrer de 2009, homoludens va escriure:
> Dear all,


> I've just installed KDE 4.2 (under openSUSE 11.1) and have been
> experimenting with some of the new programs.
> I'm having problems displaying Japanese language pdf files. With some, no
> text is displayed at all, with others, some text is displayed while other
> parts are not.

Do you have the poppler-data package installed?

> Also, pictures included in the pdf files are shown
> incomplete or in an unusually low resolution. All files are, however,
> displayed correctly in KPDF/KDE3.

Please open a bug and attach the problematic files.


> I checked the repositories, but there doesn't seem to be any CJK-related
> addon for Okular in particular. Can someone give me some advice?
> Cheers,
> homoludens
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