--- Comment #6 from anton <benderamp gmail com>  2010-04-14 00:56:43 ---
>pdftops ~/yourpdf.pdf

this gave me a ps file of about 650 mb (vs 260 kb of the original pdf)

>pdftops ~/yourpdf.pdf

showed it generally fine.

And actually today I found that I had 0 bytes in my /tmp dir and when I made
disk usage report from krusader, I have found 650 mb ps file in my
/tmp/kde-user directory, so I think that lack of free space in /tmp was the
reason why the preview finally did not show up.

So, though I still don't think that preview of 260kb pdf file which looks
rather simple (and was originally created in inkscape) should require to create
650 mb ps file even in tmp (especially after seeing how fine adobe acrobat
reader handles this document), I see that generally this is not okular problem
(though probably it could use some other method of generating preview directly
from pdf, but don't know exactly how all this staff works and if it is possible
at all).

For this bug report - I think that it shows that generating preview for some
documents might require rather long period of time and at the end it might
fail, so it would be much better if ocular did show preview window immediately
after calling it from menu and ps preview file generation process could be
shown as progress bar inside this window (generation process could be run in
background thread) - working 'cancel' button which could terminate this process
if it takes too long could also give much help. Locking okular window for
unpredictable period of time is just not good.

For the issue with simple pdf file (when the reason of long delay was
unavailable network printer) - I can open separate bug report, but the desired
solution would also be similar as for this one:
- show all long-running jobs required for generating preview (generate preview
itself + search network printers) in background thread shown as progress-bar on
the preview window.
- unavailable network printer should not be a reason to refuse to show print
preview window with generated preview (or do we need to get some
printer-specific data like default page size/layout in order to generate the

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