El Dilluns, 15 d'octubre de 2012, a les 15:27:06, Ken Dyall va escriure:
> Hi,

> I just checked out Okular on CentOS 6. Nice interface! We're planning
> to make it the default PDF reader for our documentation where it's
> available. It's a great improvement over KPDF. One feature that's
> important to us is that clicking on a link to a place inside another
> document opens the other document at the correct location (unlike KPDF
> and Evince, which just open the other document at the beginning). I've
> been checking out other PDF readers recently as alternatives to Adobe
> Reader, which is broken on Linux (and unlikely to be fixed). Okular is
> the best that I've found so far,

Well, that's what we try to achieve every day, making Okular as good as we can

> but it's missing some features that
> we use. The main ones are the Open Parameters for PDF (as described in
> an Adobe document): nameddest, page, zoom, view, pagemode, etc. If
> these could be implemented as part of the URL that is opened by
> okular, that would be great! And making use of any embedded settings
> would be good too.

Please open one bug for each of the features you are missing in bugs.kde.org 
against the okular product with the most precise description of the issue and 
attaching a file if needed to reproduce the issue.

We'll see if it can be fit into our schedule.


> Thanks,
> Ken.
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