
I have been a happy okular user for many years. I am mostly using it
to read datasheets.  Many things about okular are great. I like the
different selection modes and specially the table selection one.
Sometimes I would wish it would use a tabbed interface but when I
really need tabs I use konqueror to open the datasheets in different
tabs. I searched yesterday and found there are also some other
solutions for this.

The thing I have been missing most it to allow okular to make better
use of the screen width when showing the navigation window. I like to
have okular next to my editor or on a separate rotated screen. In such
situations the layout of the navigation panel would better be moved
above or bellow the content window. to give an example [1] shows a
typical sessions I have. On the left I have my editor and on the right
I have okular running. I will often hide and show the navigation panel
to be able to read the text.

Yesterday I downloaded the okular sources and tried to modify the
layout to move the navigation panel to the top. This was easier than I
tough and I managed to move the navigation to the top by only
modifying a few properties in the source[2] code the result can be
seen here[3]. I can now make better use of the screen estate. I have
not extensively searched the archives but would like to know if there
is a chance this layout could be added to okular?. If so I can clean
it up and spend a few more hours on it making it configurable and
removing hacks.

With kind regards

[1] http://www.keesj.dds.nl/okular/okular_original_layout.png
[2] http://www.keesj.dds.nl/okular/hack_vertical_layout.patch
[3] http://www.keesj.dds.nl/okular/okular_vertical_layout.png
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