Hi Albert,
Thanks for the quick response -

On 23 October 2013 04:19, Albert Astals Cid <aa...@kde.org> wrote:
> El Dimarts, 22 d'octubre de 2013, a les 16:42:42, Bernard Gray va escriure:
>> My Issue (in detail):
>> When I print pdf documents from Okular with content that reaches the
>> edge of the paper, the edges are being cut off due to the printer not
>> being able to do edge to edge printing. The page should be shrunk to
>> fit within the printable area reported by the printer.
>> I have created some test documents doing both height and width
>> "oversizing". I've then used Okular, Evince and Adobe Acrobat Reader
>> to open and send them to printers (HP Colour Laserjet 3700 and Xerox
>> DocuCentre IV C3370 - ie low and high end printers, completely
>> different drivers).
>> In all cases, printing from okular cuts off any edges that extend
>> beyond the printer's "printable area".
>> In all cases, printing from evince and acroread shrink the document to
>> fit the printer's "printable area" and provide the results I'm
>> expecting.
>> I've scanned my results as supporting evidence, you can find that here:
>> https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B9alWVS6_yz4RFRpR1RWRTFzMms/edit?usp=sharing
>> I've also uploaded the sample reference files[5] (created in, and
>> exported to pdf from inkscape)
>> I am running an up-to-date Ubuntu 12.10 with Okular reported as
>> v0.15.5, and libpoppler28 v0.20.4-0ubuntu1.2
>> I have also tested (okular only) on the latest Ubuntu 13.10 release
>> with Okular v0.17.2 and libpoppler43 v0.24.1-0ubuntu1, with the same
>> incorrect results.
>> My Offer:
>> The bounty I'm offering is AUD$300 (USD$289.44 currently). It's not
>> peanuts, hence the need to make sure it winds up attached to the
>> correct bug, hence my post here :)
> I've actually wanted to fix this for a while since my new printer also is
> somewhat stupid and can't print correctly in the whole page, but was never
> very worried since i don't print much, now that you tell me 170 people are
> going to use this I had a quick look and the patch seems "reasonably easy".
> So unless someone around wants to do it *now* I'll try to find time in one
> week time (I'm a bit busy at the moment) and code the fix. Instead giving me
> the money you donate it to KDE itself via http://kde.org/community/donations/
> How does that sound?

That sounds excellent! 1 week is a good turnaround - I'll need to
backport it to my current version also, but I don't know how big a job
this will be and will likely be back shortly after with a request for
assistance (just warning) :-)

...and yes, we'll happily direct the donation to KDE

Thanks again -

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