El dimarts, 5 d’abril de 2016, a les 11:21:05 CEST, Henin Clement va escriure:
> Hi everyone,


> Thanks a lot for creating Okular, I use it all the time and really likes
> it.

Nice :)

> There is just one feature that I would really enjoy. Everytime I have
> highlighted a piece of text, I have to click again on the highlight
> button (or to use the shortcut [4]). I would prefer to stay on the
> hightlighting cursor by default so I could gain time when reviewing
> documents.
> I don't know if it is possible to add an option that could allow that
> but I would enjoy it.

There's no need to add it since it already exists :)


" With a single left mouse button click on an annotation tool button you can 
use a tool once. If you e.g. want to highlight all important parts of a text, 
activate that tool permanently by double clicking on the tool button. Press 
the Esc key or click the tool button again to leave the permanent mode. "


> Have a nice day.
> Clément
> P.S : characteristics of my installation :
> ➜ ~ okular --version
> Qt: 4.8.6
> KDE Development Platform: 4.13.3
> Okular: 0.19.3
> ➜ ~ lsb_release -a
> No LSB modules are available.
> Distributor ID: Ubuntu
> Description: Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS
> Release: 14.04
> Codename: trusty

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