> On Okt. 16, 2016, 8:16 nachm., Oliver Sander wrote:
> > ui/pagepainter.h, line 36
> > <https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/127366/diff/5/?file=461422#file461422line36>
> >
> >     That comma after '32' is not correct, is it?

C++11 (7.2/1) and C99 ( allow, but don't require trailing commas in 
enum-specifier. C++03 and C89 do not support them. Okular enums are without 
trailing commas, so I think it's best to remove them.
There are more occurrences in pageviewmouseannotation.h, I'll remove them 
accordingly with the next revision.

Btw., do current Okular coding conventions say anything about C++11 usage in 
general? Afair there's quite no C++11 anywhere in the code yet.

- Tobias

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On April 28, 2016, 7:13 nachm., Tobias Deiminger wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/127366/
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated April 28, 2016, 7:13 nachm.)
> Review request for Okular.
> Bugs: 177778
>     http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=177778
> Repository: okular
> Description
> -------
> This diff adds an annotation resize feature to okular (see Bug 177778).
> Usage:
> If you left-click at an annotation, it gets selected and 8 resize handles 
> appear on the corners/edges of the selection rectangle. When cursor is moved 
> over one of the handles, the cursor shape indicates resize mode (everywhere 
> else on the annotation means "move", just as it was before resize feature was 
> added). Press ESC, or click an area outside the annotation to cancel 
> selection. Feature is only applicable for annotation types AText, AStamp and 
> AGeom.
> Notable changes:
> It works by eventually changing AnnotationPrivate::m_boundary and notifying 
> generator (i.e. poppler) about that change, similar to the existing move 
> functionality.
> -Separated annotation state handling out of PageView into a new class 
> MouseAnnotation (ui/pageviewmouseannotation.cpp)
> -Added method Document::adjustPageAnnotation, backed by a QUndoCommand class 
> Okular::AdjustAnnotationCommand
> -Added method Annotation::adjust
> -Draw resize handles and selection boundary in MouseAnnotation::routePaint
> -Draw only a bounding rectangle during resize, if annotation is rendered 
> externally
> Some functionality unrelated to the resize feature is also shifted to class 
> MouseAnnotation, to establish a single place of responsibility for annotation 
> interactions.
> Known Bugs:
> -For geometric annotations, only the the shape of the annotation is sensitive 
> for move/resize, but not the selection rectangle.
> -Consider z-Order for overlapping annotations? (currently, selection 
> rectangle is always drawn on top, while the related annotation may be in 
> background).
> -Provide a PDF document with suitable content, where supported annotation 
> types and and possible regressions can be tested.
> -Add test cases once requirements are fixed.
> Diffs
> -----
>   CMakeLists.txt 97e8db6e4a704fd34331fad7b7628ca2248b62d8 
>   core/annotations.h 4f107440dc824fd9049a30082befd18642e63895 
>   core/annotations.cpp e02994688414bdf485b308d6ef122ee2eff3fbaf 
>   core/annotations_p.h 07b124a4fae40b7a983aa382ae824125e6d25746 
>   core/document.h 63f58741bd6680a673945a7b7c05a10130968beb 
>   core/document.cpp 6953b1fb0dc29a375be7ff331a2a2bccce975366 
>   core/document_p.h fda23275033645ea67f5ad9d27341fc4635ede34 
>   core/documentcommands.cpp 95aded51d73a3d3b98ff26284c9c46fc5c9cf0ca 
>   core/documentcommands_p.h 17394f2a25b187cf4aff66b3a7f891b81be5acdd 
>   generators/poppler/annots.cpp 8cde64833831ec833b3be552608cff99d38f8e63 
>   tests/translateannotationtest.cpp 184b9474e6072a991a5ee5f1116bf7a9ef10cadc 
>   ui/pagepainter.h 68b241658162d9bd6eb187efc594ef17ea99d899 
>   ui/pagepainter.cpp 3bcd8bc4cfe7471bc3c21cfcd3cff50b8a8d49ee 
>   ui/pageview.cpp 3ebf7dcb04aa1942e02f49133d98081e2bbb565c 
>   ui/pageviewmouseannotation.h PRE-CREATION 
>   ui/pageviewmouseannotation.cpp PRE-CREATION 
> Diff: https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/127366/diff/
> Testing
> -------
> Resize and move work
> -for types AText, AStamp and AGeom
> -on all pages of document
> -when viewport position changes
> -when zoom level changes
> -for all page rotations (0°, 90°, 180°, 270°)
> Selection is canceled
> -when currently selected annotation is deleted
> -on mouse click outside of currently selected annotation
> -ESC is pressed
> Viewport is shifted when mouse cursor during move/resize comes close to 
> viewport border.
> Resize to negative is prevented.
> Tiny annotations are still selectable.
> If mouse is moved over an annotation type that we can focus, and the 
> annotation is not yet focused, mouse cursor shape changes to arrow.
> If mouse cursor rests over an annotation A, while annotation B is focused, a 
> tooltip for annotation A is shown.
> Test for regressions:
> -Annotation interaction (focus, move, resize, start playback, ...) are only 
> done in mode EnumMouseMode::Browse.
> -If mouse is moved over an annotation type where we can start an action, 
> mouse cursor shape changes to pointing hand.
> -If mouse is moved over an annotation type that we can't interact with, mouse 
> cursor shape stays a open hand.
> -If mouse cursor rests over an annotation of any type, a tooltip for that 
> annotation is shown.
> -Grab/move scroll area (on left click + mouse move) is prevented, if mouse is 
> over focused annotation, or over AMovie/AScreen/AFileAttachment annotation.
> -A double click on a annotation starts the "annotator".
> Thanks,
> Tobias Deiminger

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