El diumenge, 13 de novembre de 2016, a les 18:29:15 CET, Pranjal va escriure:
> Hello,


> I am new to the community. Me and my friends are doing final year
> undergraduate project on synthesizing emotion based speech from PDF. 

Is it really PDF specific?

> The
> project is primarily based on the research paper attached in this mail.
> I have used Jovie and KMouth with Okular extensively in the past, but
> they are too robotic in their speech output with absolutely no display
> of emotions. Since there is no inbuilt PDF reading support in Okular, we
> were thinking, instead of making a stand-alone project, we can
> contribute it to Okular. If Okular stands on the policy of no inbuilt
> read-aloud feature, then we would like to make it as a plugin (like
> jovie and KMouth) for Okular.
> Can someone please help me with regards to this?

Can this improvements instead go to jovie/kmouth/somewhere else instead of 
just Okular so more projects benefit from it?


> Pranjal

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