Please excuse the silly comment about providing an executable - I see that you said that we'd have to build it ourselves.

So I just tried building, got most of the way without a hitch. I had to also use ninja build libfx_lpng.a and libfx_freetype.a to satisfy the dependencies in the okular Makefile. But once that was done it seems to work. I wasn't too sure that it was actually using pdfium, but when I moved the poppler generator out of the way I could see that it is working. Some small differences in appearance... So at least it works as a proof-of-concept...

On 18/01/17 10:14, Jonathan Schultz wrote:
Looks interesting. How does it compare (performance, features, etc.)
with the Poppler plugin?

Any chance you could save us the bother of building ourselves and post a
link to an executable?


On 18/01/17 03:30, Gilbert Assaf wrote:
Hi all,

I worked on an okular pdf plugin using pdfium as a backend. At this
point it is little more than a “proof-of-concept”. But you can already
view simple pdf files.

I would like to get some feedback on this: maybe somebody else is
already working on an okular pdfium plugin? I am relatively new to KDE
and don’t know all the development processes.
How do you normally proceed from here on? Reviewboard? A personal branch?

I attached a git patch file, if somebody would like to try it out.

A small warning: pdfium only works on x64 and at this point it is
basically a mixture of static and shared libraries. So you definitely
have to compile it yourself.


=== Install depot tools ===
Needed for fetching and building pdfium
See instructions:

=== Install pdfium ===
mkdir repo
cd repo
gclient config --unmanaged
gclient sync
cd pdfium
export PDFIUM_DIR=`pwd`
gn gen out/Debug --args="pdf_enable_xfa=false pdf_enable_v8=true
use_sysroot=false is_debug=true"
ninja -C out/Debug pdfium

=== Compile Okular ===
cd <okular build dir>
You probably have to add $PDFIUM_DIR dir to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable

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