rkflx added a comment.

  The latest version is much better and I could not reproduce my issues from 
above anymore. Still some oddities (tested using `dublin-center-street.pdf`):
  - With Fit Page, first the main view renders and after finishing the 
thumbnail should be the only thing left to render. However, the thumbnail takes 
a much longer time to show an initial frame with the CPU being busy throughout 
doing something else (after this, the incremental rendering seems to need about 
the same time as the main view). It is likely this has been there all the time 
and the patch just makes this phenomenon more visible, nevertheless may be a 
candidate for huge CPU time savings in a later patch (freeing resources for 
subsequent pages).
  - When zooming, the initial timeout to start showing the incremental 
rendering seems much longer than 500ms and also much longer compared to when 
reloading the document at the same zoom level afterwards. Okular seems busy 
doing something else. Maybe the rendering of intermediate zoom levels is not 
cancelled correctly? This is also seen when closing Okular with rendering still 
in progress, where the shell prompt returns only much later while the window 
closes immediately.
  - In some situations, incremental rendering happens twice in a row, i.e. the 
first pass is thrown away when finished and a second pass starts. (Occurs now 
and then, unfortunately I cannot give you instructions on how to reproduce yet. 
Try moving around with the scroll wheel when zoomed in.)
  - Segfaults on entering Presentation mode (works fine without the patch to 
Okular but still with the newer Poppler).
  - Extensive flickering of some screen areas (switching between white and 
content rapidly for several seconds) when redrawing after panning a rotated 
page in some cases, even a segfault occasionally.
  Not sure whether all of this should even be fixed in this patch, but I would 
appreciate a short comment from you regarding those points.
  > I don't see a need to limit it really (other than the initial 500ms barrier)
  Just to put some numbers behind this: A quick measurement with a stopwatch 
and an artificially slowed down CPU consistently gives me total rendering times 
of ~7.5s vs. ~9.0s, i.e. the patch is ~15% slower.
  > lots of pages take more than 30ms and you don't really want to see them 
rendering just twice
  I tried to get a feeling for the difference between updating immediately 
(which I presume would be more pleasant) and updating after a delay of much 
more than the typical 30ms human perception normally does not notice (which you 
claim to be preferable). However, there are so many timeouts/delays and 
intermediate images like the scaled up thumbnails happening, that to even 
compare both approaches a substantial code rework would be needed. Let's just 
keep it as proposed, then.

  R223 Okular


To: aacid, #okular, mlaurent
Cc: rkflx, ngraham, michaelweghorn, mlaurent, #okular, aacid

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