aacid added a comment.

  In D11051#235502 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D11051#235502>, @dileepsankhla 
  > Actually I am getting the segmentation fault whenever I close Okular with a 
changed state of the side navigation panel and the code causing it is 
`Okular::Settings::setHideSideContainer( m_sidebar->isCollapsed() )` inside the 
Part destructor. `m_sidebar` is not causing this problem as I misunderstood the 
earlier; it gives the segfault for any value as the argument of 
`setHideSideContainer` except for the boolean values `True` and `False`.  It 
works fine for the absolute boolean values.
  >  Running it with gdb, I got segfault in 
`QAbstractScrollArea::horizontalScrollBarPolicy() const () from 
/usr/lib/libQt5Widgets.so.5` that is confusing for me. I need an idea regarding 
what can be done in this case?
  run the program in valgrind, it usually gives you a nicer log of where the 
problem with memory handling is happening, i'm curious why 
horizontalScrollBarPolicy may be the problem.
  If you have trouble understanding the valgrind output, please post it here 
and I'll try to help reading it.

  R223 Okular


To: dileepsankhla, #okular, aacid
Cc: aacid, sander, #okular, michaelweghorn, ngraham

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