ahmadosama added a comment.

  As far as I know rotating m_page->m_rects should rotate annotations on the 
page, the annotations seem to work well when rotating them.
  When rotating the highlights I tried to replace:
  (*hlIt)->transform( RotationJob::rotationMatrix( oldRotation, m_rotation ) );
  (*hlIt)->transform( matrix );
  but highlights were rotated correctly only from the original orientation.
  I am thinking of creating another function to get the rotation matrix for the 
highlights, or modify the Okular::buildRotationMatrix
  as follows Okular::buildRotationMatrix(Rotation oldRotation = Rotation0, 
Rotation newRotation)
  I am still going through the code to find a better way to solve this bug.

  R223 Okular


To: ahmadosama, #okular
Cc: aacid, ngraham, #okular, michaelweghorn

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