tobiasdeiminger added a comment.

  In D16941#364473 <>, @aacid wrote:
  > How hard would be to extend the test to do a F5 
<>/refresh and check position is the same? That 
was also a bug and this fixes it, right?
  It wouldn't be too hard. But the F5 bug 
<> is only fixed partially with this 
diff (see D16941#362806 <> regarding 
finished signal from pixmap thread), so I'd rather leave that test out for now. 
Hence I'm going to remove 341939 and 400890 from the BUGS list again. Only 
357958 is completely fixed, the others are improved but not fixed.
  Has anybody found some time yet to try the jump-to-page test? I'm a bit 
concerned it might work only in my environment, but not in others (because of 
the "known by trial" portion).

  R223 Okular


To: tobiasdeiminger, #okular
Cc: sander, aacid, okular-devel, ngraham, darcyshen

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