gbodley added a comment.

  In D18118#391651 <>, @aacid wrote:
  > I still object to this, you're changing the default behaviour of the 
software for the 0.03% of users that use okular to play in a touch screen while 
playing the piano.
  As a starter, I'd like to know where you developed the data that this only 
affects .03% of the users.  I could make the same claim that only some very 
small number of users don't look at the computer screen when giving a 
presentation or get nervous during the presentation.  It's obvious that only a 
few people are skilled enough to play the piano in the first place.  Whether or 
not it's a small number is not a reason to cripple the software.  It should be 
equally obvious that better software is designed to meet a variety of needs in 
various situations.  I translate French books.  Probably only a small number of 
people do that.  Does that mean Libreoffice should drop the ability to handle 
multiple languages in the same document?  Since the behavior of the mouse 
clicks is unchanged it seems like you are in no way adversely affected.  It's 
not an arguable point or even worthy of valid discussion.  It seems to be a 
problem for some that has been addressed, and that's a very good thing.  It 
makes the software infinitely more useful from my perspective.

  R223 Okular


To: sander, #okular, ngraham
Cc: gbodley, michaelweghorn, aacid, ngraham, okular-devel, darcyshen

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