ngraham requested changes to this revision.
ngraham added a comment.
This revision now requires changes to proceed.

  All right, let's do this. In final testing, I just found some blockers:
  - If the current mouseMode is not `TextSelect`, then the menu item is enabled 
but does nothing. It should do its thing no matter what the mouseMode is, just 
like Select all does.
  - The menu item is still enabled when Okular is opened without a document, 
and clicking on it crashes Okular. It needs to be disabled when no document is 

  R223 Okular


To: shubham, aacid, #vdg, ngraham
Cc: michaelweghorn, kde-doc-english, davidhurka, abetts, loh.tar, alexde, 
ngraham, okular-devel, gennad, tfella, skadinna, darcyshen, aacid

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