--- Comment #12 from ---
Just to close issue, I can confirm that this bug affects some applications (not
all) that depend on poppler-qt5. Those that use poppler-glib are not affected.
Moreover, QT5 is not the source of the problem - given that xpdf works fine,
yet is uses  QT5 but not poppler-qt5. Therefore, I concluded that some function
in okular and texstudio calling does not allocate memory
properly which then causes to fail with the "bogus memory"
warning. Searching online, I came across this explanation for a similar issue
with a different app using an old version of poppler.

<< "Bogus memory allocation size" is given by
gmallocn(), gmallocn3(), or greallocn(). It is not raised by the
memory exhaust, but by the checking of invalid argument (e.g. requested
memory size ... numMember x sizeOfMember > INT_MAX, etc). ... >>

Anyway, just my 2 cents worth of explanation.

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