tobiasdeiminger added a comment.

  In D20760#456328 <>, @davidhurka 
  > Isn’t there a coding convention against non-ascii symbols in source code?
  There are Qt source code conventions 
<>. Don't 
know if Okular policy exists for which conventions to follow, but I agree it 
makes sense to avoid non-ascii (don't rely on source code input encoding). 
QString::fromUtf8 <> combined with 
a u8 string literal <> 
should work, but haven't tested. Other ideas?
  > And I think real icons (like svg) would be better. What if someone changes 
the system font? At least I see some boring rectangles in the source code.
  If we want to avoid the unicode approach completely, I'd advocate to 
implement drawing the lines by code, i.e. QPainter::drawLine 
<> and friends. Then reuse the 
same code to draw icons. So we gain non-PDF support while we are at it, and I 
guess it's not much more work than crafting the SVG.

  R223 Okular


To: knambiar, #okular, #vdg
Cc: davidhurka, tobiasdeiminger, ngraham, okular-devel, joaonetto, tfella, 
darcyshen, aacid

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