knambiar added a comment.

  In D20760#462025 <>, @sander wrote:
  > I committed the patch, but without any icons at all.  Even without them I 
think the patch is very helpful. The icons can now be added at ease in a 
separate patch.
  > Rajeesh, thanks for the patch. I'd be happy to see more of your patches in 
the future.
  I plan to improve the annotation UI (it is something I use everyday), but I'm 
not familiar with the okular code yet. I would ask for help when needed.

  R223 Okular


To: knambiar, #okular, #vdg, sander, ngraham
Cc: pino, sander, davidhurka, tobiasdeiminger, ngraham, okular-devel, 
joaonetto, tfella, darcyshen, aacid

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