cfeck added a comment.

  > This is a very radical proposal :)
  Yes :) Either we don't change what we did the last 5 years, or we take a step 
back, and look at the big picture. What did we want to archive, and did we 
succeed? Where are resources well spent, both on our side, as well as on 
application maintainers side, and distributions side? I believe our faster 
release cycles (down from 6 to 4 months), as well as the three separate 
released products have actually increased our workload and that of 
  > moving back applications to desktop release is not a good idea
  I could also state that having basic applications released separately from 
"KDE" is not a good idea. How do you explain to users why an application 
manager is part of the "desktop", but a file and archive manager is not? Is a 
user manager a separate application or part of the "desktop"? What about a 
partition manager? All those applications are part of a Windows release, 
because they are considered (visible) part of an operating system. After all, 
people see "KDE" as their GUI for Linux.
  > wait for a whole year for the bugfix we just made there gets released
  Sorry, I wasn't clear. I was talking about feature releases, what we 
currently do three times a year. They would be sufficient every 6, 8, or 12 
months. We would still do monthly updates for bug fixes and translation 
  > This adds 3 more "release groups".
  KDE Edutainmaint and KDE Extras would get released together, maybe every 8 or 
12 months, with monthly updates. Plasma, together with Frameworks and base 
applications every 4 months, with Fibonacci weeks updates. For the projects 
that have maintainers, they decide how fast to make feature releases, but the 
stable branches could be released monthly automatically (even if it is just for 
translation updates).
  > our release team small enough
  Exactly. That's why I was proposing to release all of KF5+Plasma+base apps 
together. Then we have more release people available. I've seen David doing KF5 
releases alone the last 5 years. You did the same with Apps before I've spotted 
you near burning out. Give David a break and let us join forces.


To: ngraham, cfeck
Cc: apol, jriddell, xyquadrat, jtamate, vkrause, lbeltrame, ltoscano, cfeck, 
aacid, #yakuake, #okular, #dolphin, #kate, #spectacle, #konsole, #gwenview, 
#kde_pim, #kde_games, #kde_applications, ngraham

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