El divendres, 24 de novembre de 2023, a les 10:29:22 (CET), Oliver Sander va 
> > I'm also trying to flip it around a  bit. If this was proposed today where
> > we have a postscript generator in okular, would we accept this feature?
> Also, don't you get the same functionality by loading the postscript as
> postscript, and then printing it to a file (at least in principle)?  I'd
> consider that way of converting postscript to pdf more natural.

This is a good point, if loading the PS directly gives a similar experience 
than converting the PS to PDF on the fly, then my argument about people being 
sad doesn't apply.

To be honest I have no idea if the functionality is similar, i don't think 
i've ever used the feature.


> Best,
> Oliver

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