Am Mittwoch 13 März 2013, 09:02:54 schrieb Tom Morris:
> > 4. Languages of books are given in English if I'm not mistaken. But how do
> > I enter city or country names? Munich vs. München.
> > 
> > We don't have a clear policy on this. Most records have been imported from
> > various library catalogues, which were converting the names to latin using
> > some encoding.
> > 
> > 
> > There are books some books in OL, entered by some users, with titles in
> > non-english and non-latin languages.
> My interpretation of the question was that it was asking about the language
> (and place) fields themselves, not the language the title is written in.
>  For example, is the language "Deutsch" or "German," and similarly for
> Munich vs München.  Ideally, we'd like these to be language agnostic items
> that get mapped back to the user's language on input/output, but until we
> get to that point I'd suggest everything like this be entered in English to
> ease conversion later.

A eventually bigger problem as the language field is the localized spelling of 
the author. For example I've added a book from "Сергей Лукяненко", where 
nobody seems to know, how the correct spelling is. His website says, it is 
"Sergey Lukianenko", the english Wikipedia lists him as "Sergei Lukjanenko" 
and the books itself spell him "Sergej Lukjanenko". 
To write all in English won't work here, because of the missing of an 'English 
spelling', but a mapping as described above would help here, too.


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