Here's the content development and programs update:

I have Nepal's E-paath running on my XO and exploring how we can modify it
for our use as a possible offline teaching portal (until they're ready for
Karma). They currently have content for Grade 2 and 6, but some in Nepalese.
There might be an earlier English only image we can use.We currently don't
have smalltalk/squeak developers from the Philippines. I've pinged Richard
Rowe to help out. Also learning Squeak on the side.

Marife is currently exploring Moodle as a possible online teaching portal

On my way to Squeakfest from August 10-12. I'll do a virtual meeting after I
come back as part of eKindling:Discoveries Series.

Cherry Withers

On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 12:41 AM, Jerome Gotangco <>wrote:

> On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 3:33 PM, Mel Chua<> wrote:
> >>> How's eKindling doing these days? I don't see a lot of discussion on
> the
> >>> mailing lists, which makes me curious whether there's another place I
> >>> should be listening in.
> >>
> >> We've managed to carve a speaking slot at Y4IT on September. Y4IT is
> >> like the JavaOne of Technology conferences here bu with a unique
> >> audience because it only focuses on the youth, those graduating from
> >> high school and starting up college. Will be talking about the Sugar
> >> Learning Platform in particular and other stuff we're doing and
> >> planning with ekindling. I think its a good opportunity to seed
> >> interest to students. Details at
> >
> > Thanks! Is there another mailing list or venue that these plans are
> > being discussed on? It's great that we can find out by asking - how can
> > we find out without having to ask?
> Actually none yet. We just email within ourselves. An organizational
> list is in my todo. It's because the past few weeks we've been pretty
> busy with real life (have been traveling) but what we've been up to
> today are:
> 1. Incorporation of eKindling
> 2. Jump starting the plan again for the discovery session
> On the side, I've been hanging out in the OLE Nepal channel and
> helping Christoph and Bryan on the evaluation of Liferay portal, which
> I believe they will need to use for Karma. Here are the details:
> any help would be
> appreciated!
> --
> Cheers,
> Jerome
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