Hi again, Jon!

I'm copying your message to the OLPC Philippines list - I'm not in the 
Philippines myself, but the volunteers who are there and working on OLPC 
and Sugar related topics are on this list, and it's where I get all my 
information on what's happening.

(On that note, I've been very appreciative of the recent messages that 
have been going to the list to keep everyone up to date on what's going 
on - please keep it up, and cc even more messages to the list - I'd love 
to see the discussions behind these announcements as well!)

Jon, I can't help you much with Philippines-specific stuff, but if you'd 
like to know what's going on more with Sugar in particular, pop onto 
http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep and we'll talk.


PS: A teacher once told me that one of the most important lessons one 
could learn was how to be productively lost - and I've found this to be 
particularly true in open source. So Jon, if you're a little lost but 
still moving forward, that's good! If you're ever not confused, that's 
probably an indicator that you're missing something. ;)

On 09/24/2009 11:36 PM, Jon Mannion wrote:
> Greetings
> I have been following the OLPC dialog with some interest since June 2009.
> Frankly, I m a little lost.
> I am setting up a a school for out of school youth, and naturally Im
> looking for resources.
> I am also a research student at Pepperdine University in Educational
> Technology, a Computer Science Teacher and have project management
> experience.
> I would like to get together with whomever is in Manila to discuss where
> things are and what possibilities if any there are with OLPC.
> Mr. Jon Mannion
> Doctoral Candidate Pepperdine University
> Education Leadership and Technology
> 222 S Figueroa St Apt 1113 LA CA 90012
> tel. 323 304 0812

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